Women’s Day as a symbol of love

The previous period was marked by the expression of love for mothers and grandmothers through emotional artistic representations of their character in a creative form. As a symbol of tenderness and attention to female strength, three-dimensional flowers were created in the Art & Design classes. The deep emotional bond that connects students with their mothers and grandmothers is immortalized with sewn hearts. In the students’ literary works, verses and thoughts dedicated to motherly love and their selfless support were interwoven. The final activity in the form of preparing cakes for mothers and grandmothers was a sweet gesture of gratitude, adding a note of warmth and family togetherness. The aforementioned activities were aimed at strengthening the bond between students and their mothers and grandmothers, leaving at the same time an indelible mark of love and friendship in the school environment.

Contact Information

Street Čočetova 3M
Republic of Serbia

Phone: 062/798 799
E-mail: info@crnjanski.rs

International škola Crnjanski